Friday, October 8, 2021

Me and Jesus and the Grass Cutter

 I heard male voices outside my kitchen window.  I surmised that someone had come to cut the wild grass that had been growing all summer in the backyard next door.  My cat got lost in the tall grass.  

I put in earplugs, and then my earmuff industrial noise protection over the head unit.  I could still hear the loud gas powered lawn mowers the two men used.  Then came the leaf blowers.  I had something outside in my sun oven but thought I'd just wait until the landscape workers left and I didn't face any noise.  

I looked out the front window and saw the two men getting back in a black truck I had seen them get their equipment from.  So, I went out the back door.  

As I walk up the side walk to the sun oven a young man came back around the front and opened the neighbor's gate.

I said, "Hi." 

"Hi," he said as he moved to the back.

He turned with a concerned look and I wondered what his concern was.  He was in his twenties and bald with a big beard.  He had on a white tank top.  

"I just want to tell you how the Lord Jesus has changed my life," he said looking at me.


Please allow me to introduce myself....

I thought of passing politely on the subject and congratulating the young man, but, I didn't.

I took the bait.

"Jesus never existed," I said.  "The whole thing is a story." 

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