Thursday, October 17, 2019

Ohio: Armed robber shot and killed. Family blames the clerk, saying he shouldn’t have weapon at work. (Law Enforcement Today) 13 Oct 2019

A 23-year old Ohio man was shot and killed while trying to rob a Dollar General store at gun point.
Roosevelt Rappley entered the Dayton-area store, produced a firearm and starting demanding money. One of the store clerks was a concealed carry permit holder and was legally armed. Once the suspect pointed his weapon at this clerk, he drew his own weapon and fired, striking the subject in the chest.

Rappley returned fire, hitting no one, before stumbling outside and collapsing. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

The clerk placed a 9-1-1 call.

“He pointed a gun at me,” the caller said. “I had a firearm on me. I pulled my firearm and I shot him in self-defense.”

According to police, witnesses confirmed that the assailant pointed his weapon at the clerk, prompting him to draw and fire, fearing for his life.

Shortly after the failed robbery attempt, two members of Rappley’s family spoke with reporters outside the store where he was shot and killed. Their thoughts: it is the fault of the clerk for being legally armed and acting in self-defense.

Rappley’s sister went on record as saying that even though her brother was wrong…it was all the clerk’s fault. Here is what she said:

“He’s got some responsibility, but not all. [Right is] right and wrong is wrong. That was wrong for that clerk to shoot my brother in the chest. Yes, he’s robbing them. Oh, Well! Call the police, that’s what you’re supposed to do. You’re not supposed to take matters into your own hands.” 
Rappley does have prior history with police.

Dayton Police Lt. Jason Hall said that history involves pending weapons charges and possible involvement in other commercial robberies in the area, including the recent robbery of a Dollar General on Main Street.


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