Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Fault Lies Not in the Star - But - In Myself - Predicting A Day With Tarot Cards, Quotes, and Magnetic Words - 10 March 2020

I was listening to the audio book for The Castle of Otranto and the deliberately antique way the character speak.  As I skated down the hall I heard, "Forsake me not!"

I thought about that phrase; I wondered if a lot of people today would not understand what the sentence means.  "Don't leave me," is a good modern translation.

But, that is not where I told my future this morning.  I did step out onto the front porch when I awoke around 5 o'clock and saw the moon bright in the west with a ripple of clouds across the sky highlighted and white.

I went towards the back yard and saw a bright star to the south east and said to myself, "That is Jupiter."  I could see a faint star to the upper right of Jupiter.  "That must be Mars," I guessed.

 I went back into the house and put my skates on and looked on the kitchen computer for what was in the sky.  I found the web site that lists the night sky and saw three 'stars' in a row lined up to the south east.  Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars.  I could not see Saturn, I was guessing.

I started listening to The Castle of Otranto on Youtube with some woman's volunteer reading for a university web site.  A good reading.

On the table in front of me I had a deck of tarot cards that I had cut the day before to predict my day.  Purely for entertainment.  There is no mechanism or magic that can allow the tarot cards to predict the future.  I enjoy the entertainment.

So, I shuffled the deck as I skated up and down the wood floors of the hall listening to the audio reading as I watched a 'fireplace' video on the computer laptop screen on a stool against the wall.  I cut the deck and saw 'The Star' was the tarot card I got when I cut the deck to predict my day.

(Gotta love the scary organ theme from this movie - 3:51 min) 

The cards are designed to be vague and one can get many, many stories out of any particular card.  But, I had been looking up at the dark morning sky at the moon and then a bright star to the south east.  Now, I had dealt myself the 'star'  card.  What did that mean?

I skated over to a magnetic white board I had a collection of magnetic words on.  At random I picked out four words.

"Devour - Some - Broken - Baby"

I have a day planned in front of me taking care of a little baby.  But, the baby is not broken.  I do have so many toys in this house and have more than one broken baby doll.  So, that can fit with the prediction.  But, I have no plans to eat any of those 'babies.' 

In one of Shakespeare's plays a character wisely observes that the fault for human problems comes from human's themselves, not the 'influence' of the stars in the sky above.

 Carpe Diem!

To use a Latin phrase meaning - 'seize the day' or 'take control of the things around you and be the actor, not the one acted upon or waiting to see what happens.'

8:20 am - time to get on with the day and stop writing.  Or... should I write some more?  We shall see what the future holds. 


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