Tuesday, March 31, 2020

'Wet Goddess' author shares details of his 6-month sexual relationship with Dolly the dolphin By Ginger Adams Otis NEW YORK DAILY NEWS | Jun 11, 2014

Now this is getting fishy.

Another self-confessed dolphin lover claims he had a six-month consensual affair with one of the sleek marine animals — and insists it's nothing to be ashamed of.

Malcolm Brenner, 63, shared his story with British newspaper The Mirror in the wake of a BBC documentary that featured Margaret Howe Lovatt, an animal researcher who said she had sex with a dolphin in the 1960s as part of a NASA-funded study.

Brenner, a writer who also admits to having prior sexual experiences with a dog, said he fell in love with Dolly the dolphin in a Florida amusement park in 1971.
Dolly "came on to him," he told The Mirror — and he was heartbroken when she died about nine months after they met.
The two had their interspecies intercourse after conspiring to elude the male dolphin that shared Dolly's pool, Brenner said.

"She announced her intentions to me by positioning herself so I was rubbing against her," the zoophile told The Mirror.

Brenner said he'd been given full run of the dolphin enclosure while shooting pictures for the amusement park.

"At first I discouraged her, I wasn't interested. After some time I thought, 'If this was a woman would I come up with these rationalizations and excuses?'" he said.

"There's something quite transcendental about making love with a dolphin," he mused.
"The dolphin is very aware, the dolphin is an intelligent and creative creature and making love is a consummate act."

The two played rub-a-dub-dub for nearly a year, but the aquatic affair ended when Dolly got moved to another park.

Brenner said he was heartbroken to lose her and fell into a deep depression when she died not long after they parted.

Dolly leaps out of the water to grab a snack.
Dolly leaps out of the water to grab a snack.(Barcroft Media/Barcroft Media via Getty Images)
He believes she committed suicide by voluntarily refusing to breathe — the same fate Lovatt believes her dolphin lover Peter suffered when their affair ended.

Brenner was so affected by his "relationship" with Dolly that he wrote about it years later.
The Punta Gorda, Fla., resident penned "Wet Goddess" in 2011.

He said Lovatt's somewhat shamefaced confession of her long-ago affair with Peter the dolphin — who would rub himself on her knee or hand — didn't shock him at all.

"I wish she'd spoken out about it a long time ago. I've found her reaction a bit sad," Brenner said.
The twice-married man — who says he's also experienced the physical passion of doggy devotion — doesn't equate what he and Lovatt did with abuse.

"There is no comparison between sexual abuse and a sexual relationship with a consenting animal," he claimed.


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